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Space Availability - Computer Labs in the LRC (STB 1301A and 1301E)

The College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences Learning Resource Center (LRC) is a great place for self-study, a class session, or a presentation requiring computer work or use of a specialized software.  Two computer labs are available (STB 1301 can sit 23 and STB 1301E can sit 54). Each computer lab has an instructor station with dual monitors, projector and screen, doc-cam, and Faronics Insight classroom management and monitoring software (great for exam proctoring). Both labs are equipped with videoconferencing equipment (webcams and ceiling mics).

All computers have access to black and white printing. Printing is provided by FSU Business Services and the cost is 10 cents a page, paid vy your FSU card.

Computer software list includes, but is not limited to, IBM SPSS, Mplus, NVIVO, SAS, STATA (on select computers), and R Studio. A full list of software can be accessed for STB 1301A and STB 1301E online.

Please note that during a finals week, LRC will have a different schedule to accommodate for exams. The calendar will be updated accordingly. 

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