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Space Availability - LRC Conference Rooms (STB 2206A & 2206D)

Our 2 conference rooms are a great place for study groups, dissertations, project meetings, videoconferences with research partners, and more. Both rooms have a Clear Touch Interactive Display (rooms no longer have a ceiling-mounted projector and screen). Please prepare to practice set-up and use for the Clear Touch displays before your scheduled defense, meeting, etc. A laptop is designated for each room and is ready for use if requested. Please place chairs around the table after you are done with your meeting.  If you brought food, please clean after yourself and do not leave any containers in the trash bin.

STB 2206A has a VOIP phone (850) 644-1524 (can use a speaker phone function for a group conference call). Domestic long distance calls are free.

   Available    Your booking    Unavailable/Padding